Disturbing video shows Bolic Bet Malou being tased for refusing to move flight seat

Publish date: 2024-03-28

On Saturday, Walk 18, Melbourne man Bolic Bet Malou was tased by AFP officials after he wouldn’t trade seats during a Jetstar flight. Film of the occurrence, which has since circulated around the web, has prompted ruckus as Malou has blamed the police for utilizing unnecessary power.

In the recording, Bolic Bet Malou should be visible contending with the lodge team. Malou allegedly changed seats to sit with his significant other and 1-year-old youngster. He would not move seats, prompting the staff calling specialists.

After the appearance of the police, Bolic Bet Malou was blamed for harming three officials. Melbourne specialists guaranteed that in light of the supposed verbal and actual hostility, they tased Bolic Bet Malou and hauled him off the flight. The dad, in any case, asserted that he was guiltless.

In a meeting with journalists, Bolic Bet Malou said that the supposed embarrassment he confronted was totally uncalled-for.

“At no stage was (Malou) being actually or obnoxiously oppressive towards anybody. The main issue was that he had traded with another person. (…) It seems as though he had come to a friendly concurrence with another traveler.”

Shona Davis, the acting supirentendent of the AFP, expressed that the officials’ activities was legitimate. According to the New York Post, Bolic Bet Malou has been accused of misconduct, as well as attacking and impeding cops. The Sydney Envoy noticed that he will be restricted from flying until July 2023. Malou is purportedly battling the court request. His lawyers are endeavoring to change his bail conditions with the goal that he can get back to Melbourne.
