Little-Known Facts About Ellie Zeiler, Charli D'Amelio's Look-Alike On TikTok

Publish date: 2024-03-19

As an influencer, Charli D'Amelio sure has influenced a lot of people in the social media community, some for the better, some for another online celebrity to start criticizing. Either way, a lot of other TikTok users have started doing the dance to the video she does, be it choreographed by others or by herself. And amidst them came Ellie Zeiler, whose fame has become a little off-target for some people.

Zeiler came to recognition in March/April 2020 when Charli herself commented in one of her videos about how similar they looked. And it was only in March that she was active on TikTok in the first place. But in one month of recognition, she got 2 million followers on the video-syncing app and thus became part of the TikTok famous community.

Ellie Zeiler with one of her friends.Yeah, she does look a little alike, huh?
Photo Source: Ellie Zeiler Instagram

It's not all glitz and glamour for the 16-year-old either. And she has more things common with Charli than just the face. And yeah, there's also the same amount of critics negating about her fame through Charli. Still, getting Instagram-verified is a huge thing, which didn't bode too well with Ryan Clements.

Among Ellie Zeiler's Family, Her Mom Is Her Role Model

Born on March 6, 2004, in San Diego, California, to mother Rick Zeiler and Sarah Zeiler, Ellie has two twin brothers named Ben and Will. Among them all, Sarah is the biggest role model of her life. She says Sarah inspires her as a strong woman with "a lot of wisdom and sage", so that she can always look up to her.

Zeiler Takes a Special Interest in Golf and Cooking, Even Participating in 'Chopped Junior'

Unlike many, it was only during the COVID-19 quarantine, when there was no school, that Ellie took a peek of interest in TikTok. But before that, she insists she was just a regular teenager, playing golf in school and hanging out with her brothers and friends. Now, she even teaches golf, volunteering at the Special Olympics. She also played basketball in middle school.

Ellie Zeiler finishing up her pancake.Yeah, her videos incorporate food quite often.
Photo Source: Ellie Zeiler Instagram

One thing apparent from watching her TikTok videos is how she loves cooking. Really, a lot of them are related to food & cooking. That's to be given as she's competed in an episode of Chopped Junior, the under-18 version of Chopped. She was eliminated after the Entrée round in a third season episode, Beginner's Duck, in 2016, at just 12 years of age.

With Her Twin Friends, She Started the 'Together As One' Movement As It's Even Become a High School Club

Ellie Zeiler prides in being an activist, whether fueled by the negative comments on the internet or just being pretty active when it comes to women's and human rights. She's still battling the criticisms she often gets on social media.

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But when she had enough of people in high school making fun of her for being Jewish, she joined her two best friends, twin sisters Sophie and Lola Bulkin, to launch the Together As One one movement in 2019, which she says is for teens, by teens. The main objective of the movement is "to solve this issue was bringing people together by showing them how similar we all are."

A poster for the 'Together As One' movement.They just want to spread help.
Photo Source: Ellie Zeiler, The Bulkin Sisters

Zeiler and the Bulkin sisters studied in Chaparral Elementary together and are now sophomores at Del Norte High School. As their movement gained traction, it has also gone on to be a club at the high school, according to 92127 Magazine, also featuring on local TV.

From the Author: Ellie Zeiler's Net Worth and Social Media Details

In addition to girl scouts during their youth, Ellie Zeiler is also the captain of the Youth Action Movement (YAM), a Jewish youth group in San Diego. She's promoting the Black Lives Matter movement in response to the killing of George Floyd as well.

She Wants to Be in Real Estate When She Grows Up, With a Side Business in Beauty & Cosmetics

Zeiler's already had her future cleared out for her. At least, she has set some targets already. Her dream school is New York University for further studies after high school, and she is looking to have a career in real estate when she grows older. Despite now being an influencer, she says she will not give up on her scholarly studies.

Ellie Zeiler during her visit to NYU.Don't go on without noticing NYU in the back.
Photo Source: Ellie Zeiler Instagram

One other thing she's dropped in her bucket list is a side career in cosmetics, hoping to have her own line one day. Makeup is something she was always interested in, and she finds it amazing to create products for someone else to use.

Millie Bobby Brown Is Also One of Her Role Models

Ellie finds Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown inspiring for the way she handles big-stage fame at such a young age. In an interview with The Teen Magazine, she states, "I find it so uplifting on how she handled fame at such a young age. Not only that, she is such a hard worker. She represents topics that she believes in that are ethical and good, and that is something I hope to do as well."

Charli D'Amelio look-alike Ellie Zieler wearing glasses and posing.She hopes for more than just social media fame.
Photo Credit: Kate-Yeonjae Jeong, The Teen Magazine

Millie is also one of the reasons she wants to involve in the cosmetics department because of her success in the business department as well.

"As expressed, I also have interest in starting my own cosmetics line, which Millie also does- she owns the beauty line Florence by Mills," she continues in the interview. "To me, it is stirring that not only is she a phenomenal actress, but that she is also a successful businesswoman as well."

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As for furthering her social media fame, she is working on creating a YouTube channel as well. She now has over 5 million followers on TikTok and over 300,000 followers on her IG page. In four months, that's a huge step for her, whatever the nature of her fame.

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