What did Zachariah Anderson do? Story explored amid ongoing homicide trial

Publish date: 2024-03-14

On Wednesday, Walk 15, new declarations in the preliminary of thought executioner Zachariah Anderson shed light on likely thought processes behind the 2020 vanishing of Rosalio Gutierrez Jr.

As indicated by Kenosha News, on May 17, 2020, presently 42-year-old Zachariah Anderson purportedly killed 40-year-old Rosalio Gutierrez Jr. with gruff power. Examiners suspect that Anderson trusted Gutierrez of being associated with a relationship with Sadie Beacham, a lady with which the suspect had youngsters.

On Wednesday, one of Zachariah Anderson’s minor kids affirmed that her dad had requested her to keep an eye on Rosalio Gutierrez Jr., who was the dad of two small kids. Sadie Beacham likewise guaranteed that Anderson had been irritating her for a supported period after she started her relationship with Gutierrez.

While Gutierrez’s body was rarely recuperated, specialists accept he is perished because of the significant blood stains found in his loft.

In her declaration, one of Zachariah Anderson’s youngsters expressed that from April 24 to April 25, 2020, the suspect headed to Sadie Beacham’s Germantown home to keep an eye on her and Gutierrez.

After purportedly watching them for an undisclosed measure of time through the window, Anderson probably went through Gutierrez’s get truck prior to snapping a photo of his tag. Thusly, he is said to have rung Beacham’s doorbell before rapidly leaving the scene.

Zachariah Anderson’s little girl said that she was additionally brought into her dad’s plan to keep an eye on the couple. She said that he mentioned her to record Sadie Beacham with a cell phone when she would fly off the handle. She added that her dad had utilized a racial slur to allude to Gutierrez prior to illustrating an arrangement to follow him.

“He expressed something about showing him who the man was, and I didn’t exactly have the foggiest idea, however you sort of gotten onto things that my father was alluding to or was suggesting. My father shared with me, he said ‘I may simply watch him or follow him to his home one time only for entertainment purposes.’ Those were his definite words to me.”

Obsessive ex-boyfriend #ZachariahAnderson is accused of motioning to his daughter to "zip it" or "keep quiet" during her testimony Wednesday. The defense also alleged his daughter was mouthing something. pic.twitter.com/aaj1pDH1zq

— Law&Crime Network (@LawCrimeNetwork) March 15, 2023

On May 16, 2020, one day before Anderson is said to have killed Gutierrez, he purportedly took his kids to his family ranch prior to leaving after a short period. Examiners guaranteed that on May 18, after the killing, Anderson went to a Saukville Walmart where he bought cleaning wipes, gloves, and a garbage sack.

On May 19, 2020, Sadie Beacham went to Gutierrez’s condo, let the court know that she was worried about his prosperity after she had been not able to contact him. At his condo, she found blood on the floor and continued to report him missing.

The preliminary of Zachariah Anderson is as of now progressing. The suspect as of now denies any contribution in Gutierrez’s vanishing.
