The Meaning Behind The Song: Tyrone by Erykah Badu

Publish date: 2024-04-07

Title: “Decoding the Message of Tyrone by Erykah Badu: A Deep Dive into the Meaning of the Iconic Song”

Table of Contents


“Call Tyrone, call him”, the iconic words that have been on everyone’s lips since Erykah Badu’s hit song “Tyrone” was released in 1997. The song was an instant classic and has remained one of Badu’s most popular tracks to date. However, beyond the catchy tune and addictive chorus, the song carries a powerful message. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the meaning and message behind “Tyrone.”

Who is Tyrone?

First things first, who is Tyrone? Many people have tried to decipher the identity of the enigmatic character in the song. Some have speculated that he’s a real person in Badu’s life, while others believe he’s a representation of a toxic relationship. However, in an interview with Essence, Badu revealed the truth behind the song: “Tyrone doesn’t exist. The mic was on and I just started singing ‘call Tyrone.’” Badu went on to explain that the name was chosen simply because it fit the rhythm of the song.

The Message

While the identity of Tyrone may be a mystery, the message behind the song is crystal clear. “Tyrone” is a song about setting boundaries and standing up for yourself. In the song, Badu sings about a man who hits her up late at night, asking if he can come over. She responds by telling him to “call Tyrone” instead. The message is clear: Badu is not willing to be at his beck and call. She’s not going to be available for him whenever he wants. Instead, she encourages him to find another way to fulfill his needs.

The chorus of the song is what really drives the message home. Badu sings, “You better call Tyrone, and tell him come on, help you get your shit, you need to call Tyrone.” The word “need” is emphasized, highlighting the fact that the man in the song is not just looking for a casual hook-up, he’s looking for help. Badu is telling him that he needs to take responsibility for himself and his own life, rather than relying on her to fix his problems.

The Empowering Nature of the Song

The message of “Tyrone” is incredibly empowering, particularly for women. Badu is standing up for herself, refusing to be taken advantage of by a man who only contacts her when he needs something. She’s taking control of the situation and setting boundaries that work for her. This message is particularly important in a world where women are often told to put others before themselves and to be accommodating to men at all times.

In an interview with Billboard, Badu spoke about the empowering nature of the song: “It’s about setting boundaries and taking control of a situation. And the only way to do that is to empower yourself. ‘Tyrone’ is about women taking control of their own situations and not depending on anyone else to do it for them.”

The Influence of “Tyrone”

“Tyrone” has had a huge influence on popular culture since its release in 1997. The song has been referenced and sampled in countless other songs, and has even become a catchphrase in its own right. In 2016, during the Democratic National Convention, First Lady Michelle Obama gave a speech where she referenced the song in a powerful message about taking responsibility for one’s own life.

The influence of “Tyrone” is not just limited to popular culture, however. The message of the song has resonated with countless people, particularly women, who have found inspiration in Badu’s message of empowerment.


“Tyrone” may be a catchy song with a memorable chorus, but it’s also so much more. It’s a message of empowerment and taking control of your own life. It’s about setting boundaries and not allowing others to take advantage of you. And, despite the fact that the character of Tyrone may not actually exist, the message of the song has had a profound impact on popular culture and people’s lives. There’s a reason why “Tyrone” has remained a beloved song for over two decades – it’s a powerful message that will always be relevant.
