TikTok 'bikini barista' goes viral with wild work stories

Publish date: 2024-03-27

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This smoking hot “bikini barista” gets hit on a latte. 

And now, the scantily clad coffee brewer is spilling tea on TikTok about the many cringe-worthy requests she regularly receives from male customers.

The dirty demands run the gambit, from pervs asking her to take sexy slurps out of their cups to demands that she serve beverages with “flavored straws” — meaning drinking straws she’d inserted inside her body.

“So I know this sounds crazy, but this has definitely happened to me a handful of times,” café fox Grace Morris, 20, explained in a trending TikTok clip to her more than 848,000 followers. 

Grace Morris, a bikini barista, is going viral on TikTok with stories about the creepy requests she receives from customers. TikTok/@xomorris

In the percolating post, which has amassed more than 1.7 million views, Morris — who, daily, wears lacy lingerie, bosom-boosting corsets and stringy thongs to sling cups of Joe to patrons at a roadside coffee shop in Washington state — is responding to a commenter who asked: “Has anyone ever tipped you to take a sip from their drink though?” 

To that inquiry, the blond bombshell said, “[Customers] are always like, ‘Ooh, will you try my drink first?,’” she mimicked. “Or like, I’ll go to hand it to them, and they’ll go, ‘Five bucks if you try it first.’ ”

Initially, the requests irritated her.

“At first, I’m always like, ‘Do you think I peed in it? What the f- -k?,’ ” she said. “But then I’m like, ‘Oh, they want my mouth on it.’ ”

And, despite the freaky nature of the bid, Morris happily humors her randy regulars

“It’s kinda weird,” the stunner admitted. “But I go . . . ‘I love to try a new drink,’ ” she added, miming taking a swig of the hot stuff.

However, Morris proudly serves up a hard, cold “no” when clients offer her tips to perform depraved sexual tricks. 

Morris shuts down her clients’ requests for sexual favors. TikTok/@xomorris

“When the customer ask for a ‘flavored straw,’ ” she penned in the caption of a separate TikTok share. Per the post, Morris seemingly interprets the request as a command she slide the drinking device into her vagina. 

“You want me to put that in my what???” the java diva wrote in the caption of the video, in which she’s holding a pink straw and angrily mouthing along to a scolding audio voiceover. “It’s not happening.”

In another “barista story time” clip, Morris explained that a 16-year-old approached the coffee stand, inquiring as to whether she’d be willing to do the “devil’s dance” for $20. When she asked the minor what he meant, the temptress recalled the kid saying: “Will you take my virginity for 20 bucks? Do you guys do that here?”

Unsurprisingly, she sent the teen packing. 

And when she isn’t busy shooing away young boys, Morris is tirelessly dodging creepy and inappropriate inquiries from the old, married fathers of her friends. 

“I see all the dads in my area,” she began explaining in a clip. “So recently I had a customer come through, and he was flirting heavy.”

After chatting for a bit, Morris says the guy told her that he had a son her age. 

Morris says she regularly has to fight off creeps who proposition her with raunchy requests. TikTok/@xomorris

“I was like, ‘No way, what school did he go to?’ ” she said. Turns out, Morris and the man’s son shared several high school courses together.

But that didn’t stop this betrothed papa from propositioning the coffee cutie for a date.  

“At the end of [our talk] he goes, ‘So, do I like get your number? Are we going to go out?’” Morris said of the pinhead. “Keep in mind, this man is not divorced. This man is fully [married to] my old classmate’s mom.” Her answer was a firm “no.”

Sexy bikini barista goes viral with wild stories about serving coffee to old men in her town while wearing see-through lingerie. NYPost Composite

The fight against weirdos notwithstanding, Morris’ gig isn’t all bad. 

The beauty often brags about the massive tips — sometimes more than $100 — and gifts she gets from frisky frequenters

“[Customers] do like to give lots of gifts, every day,” she said, noting that men often bring her lunch. “People always ask me, ‘How do you know that the gifts aren’t poisoned? How do know the food isn’t contaminated?’ ”

“I don’t,” she insisted. “And today, I have Chipotle, so if I die after this video, then you know. Then you know.”
