Freddie Gibbs' Pregnant Ex-GFs Twitter Expos Earns Him "Spreadie Gibbs" Nickname

Publish date: 2024-05-01

It's been an undeniably tough few days for Indiana-born rapper Freddie Gibbs, who was the victim of a Twitter exposé at the hands of his ex-girlfriend earlier this week. According to Destini, better known online as The Fit Mami, her former lover spent months discussing the idea of starting a family with her, but when she actually became pregnant, feelings suddenly changed. In a string of sweets, the adult actress claimed that, after Gibbs told her he wasn't ready to become a father, she told him that she couldn't be in a relationship with someone who wanted her to get an abortion.

While she did take a trip to the clinic to consider terminating, Destini found out at the appointment she was further along than anticipated and instead opted to continue on with her journey to motherhood. The 40-year-old's ex says that he hasn't checked in on her since their last conversation, despite her attempts to contact his team and others around him. Feeling helpless, she turned to social media to share her story, which has since gotten plenty of attention online. It seems her recount even led Gibbs to block her, as she made note of in an NSFW tweet shared on Friday (May 5).

The Fit Mami's Twitter Antics Continue

"Blocking me on Twitter while I have a picture of you spreading your asshole in my phone is insane," The Fit Mami wrote yesterday morning. "Imma spare them that one though." True to her word, the salacious image has yet to see the light of day, though it has caused "Spreadie Gibbs" to begin trending on Twitter as ops of the "Gang Signs" hitmaker troll him online over the allegations.

Elsewhere on her profile, the expecting model has urged users to stop begging her to see the photo, while also condemning those criticizing her decision to move forward as a single mother. "This is a baby we literally PLANNED," she reminded them. "My heart was in it. I'm pro-choice but I could not go through the procedure knowing I purposely brought this baby here. My child will be taken care of REGARDLESS." Read more of what Destini had to say about Freddie Gibbs and her decision to keep their baby below. For more hip-hop and pop culture news updates, tap back in with HNHH later this weekend.

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