Getting Started - Neoverb Documentation

Publish date: 2024-04-11


Welcome to Neoverb! This chapter includes information on authorizing the plug-in, and inserting it into your project.


iZotope Product Portal

The quickest and easiest way to manage installation and authorization of iZotope products on your system is through iZotope Product Portal. Click here for more information about installing and using iZotope Product Portal.

Trials, Demos, and Manual Authorization

If you launch Neoverb without having authorized it using Product Portal, the Authorization window will appear. The Authorization window allows you to:

Trial Mode

Trial mode allows you to evaluate Neoverb over a 10 day trial period. The trial period begins when you first open Neoverb in a DAW/NLE. The Authorization window will display the number of days remaining in your trial period. Click the Continue button to exit the Authorization window.

Demo Mode

After your 10 day trial period expires, you have the option to operate Neoverb in Demo mode. To continue evaluating Neoverb in demo mode, click the Demo button.

Demo Mode Limitations

Neoverb will periodically output silence when operating in demo mode.

Manual Authorization

To disable Trial or Demo modes, you must authorize the product with a valid serial number. We offer three authorization methods for Neoverb: Online Authorization: Authorize on a computer online. Offline Authorization: Authorize on a computer offline. iLok Authorization: Authorize using iLok.

More Authorization Help

Inserting Neoverb: Channel vs. Bus

There are three main ways to insert Neoverb in your project:

  • Bus insertion: For the traditional application of simulating an acoustic space, insert Neoverb in a reverb bus. To add reverb to a particular channel, insert a send (usually post-fader) that sends signal from each channel to the reverb bus. The send level determines how much reverb gets applied to the sound, which places the sound closer or further away in the stereo field. When used as a bus effect, the reverb is usually 100% Wet, because the channel fader provides the dry sound.
  • Channel insertion: To add a particular reverb effect to an individual mixer channel, insert the reverb in a channel insert.
  • Clip insertion: Some programs allow applying to individual clips within a track. This is ideal for adding something like a reverb splash to a single snare hit.
  • Tip

    In some DAWs, the clip needs to be as long as the reverb decay.

    Power consumption considerations. Realistic-sounding reverb requires extremely complex processing that taxes your computer’s CPU, so use Neoverb in a bus when possible. For example, if you want reverb on four tracks of background singers, send the tracks to a reverb bus saves more CPU power than inserting a reverb on each track.


    If you need to insert individual reverbs in multiple channels, most DAWs can “freeze” or “transform” tracks into a much less power-hungry audio track that incorporates the effect’s sound, but disconnects the effect from the CPU. If you need to make further edits, you can usually “unfreeze” the track, make your changes, and then freeze again.

    Neoverb 1.2.0
