Movies starring Eiza Gonzalez

Publish date: 2024-03-21
Alita: Battle Angel Poster Alita: Battle Angel

On the one hand, it’s possible to express deep admiration for the world-building and storytelling of Alita: Battle Angel and to offer praise and credit to director Robert Rodriguez and co-writer/co-producer James Cameron for providing a rive...

Ambulance Poster Ambulance

If you’re more interested in visual razzamatazz than little things like character development or interaction, Ambulance may be your movie. If you prefer sweeping, hyperkinetic camera movements and spastic editing to a coherent narrative, Amb...

Baby Driver Poster Baby Driver

Edgar Wright’s Baby Driver seeks to inject a dose of high octane into a heist film while illustrating how it’s possible to make a car chase exciting in an era when few action staples have become more boring and predictable. The film also s...

Bloodshot Poster Bloodshot

Bloodshot suffers from a world-building failure. With too little time and emphasis placed on crafting the setting and exploring some of the rich possibilities of the milieu in which events transpire, the movie turns into little more than a ho-...

Godzilla vs. Kong Poster Godzilla vs. Kong

This review contains spoilers, although if you have watched the trailers, you already know what the “spoilers” entail…If you experience a sense of déjà vu while watching Godzilla vs. Kong, it’s probably not because of a flashback to t...

Hobbs & Shaw Poster Hobbs & Shaw

The full title of Hobbs & Shaw is “Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw.” By referencing the “parent” franchise in the name, Universal Pictures reminds viewers that this is attached to the behemoth franchise that, over the course of e...

Spirit Untamed Poster Spirit Untamed

Does anyone remember the 2002 animated film Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron? I didn’t either until I looked it up. That nearly-two decades old hand-drawn movie provided the basis for the apparently popular Netflix series Spirit Riding Free ...
