What Happens If A Royal Guard Laughs?

Publish date: 2024-04-12

Royal guards are known for their stoic and disciplined demeanor. They stand at attention for hours on end, guarding palaces and other royal residences. They are expected to be serious and professional at all times.

But what happens if a royal guard laughs? Is it a serious offense? Can they be punished for it?

The answer to these questions depends on the specific royal guard force in question. Some forces have strict rules against laughing, while others are more lenient. In general, however, it is considered unprofessional for a royal guard to laugh while on duty.

What Happens if a Royal Guard Laughs?

Royal guards are expected to maintain a serious and professional demeanor while on duty. However, there are some forces that have strict rules against laughing, while others are more lenient.

In general, it is considered unprofessional for a royal guard to laugh while on duty, and they may be punished for doing so.

Unprofessional conduct

Royal guards are expected to maintain a serious and professional demeanor while on duty. This means that they must be respectful, attentive, and focused on their task. Laughing can be seen as a sign of disrespect, inattention, or lack of focus. It can also be disruptive to the solemn and dignified atmosphere that is expected around royal residences and events.

In addition, laughing can be seen as a security risk. A royal guard who is laughing may not be paying attention to their surroundings, which could make them more vulnerable to attack. They may also be less likely to be able to respond quickly and effectively to an emergency situation.

For all of these reasons, laughing is considered to be unprofessional conduct for a royal guard. Royal guards who laugh while on duty may be subject to disciplinary action, such as a reprimand, a suspension, or even a dismissal.

However, there are some circumstances in which it may be acceptable for a royal guard to laugh. For example, if a guard is off duty and is attending a social event, they may be able to laugh and socialize like anyone else. However, even in these situations, guards are expected to be mindful of their behavior and to avoid doing anything that could bring discredit to the royal family or the guard force.

Punishable offense

Laughing while on duty is considered to be unprofessional conduct for a royal guard, and it may be punishable by disciplinary action. The specific punishment will vary depending on the severity of the offense and the policies of the guard force in question.

The decision of whether or not to punish a royal guard for laughing while on duty is ultimately up to the guard force commander. The commander will consider the severity of the offense, the guard's past disciplinary record, and any mitigating circumstances.

Depends on the force

The specific consequences for a royal guard who laughs while on duty will vary depending on the policies of the guard force in question. Some forces have very strict rules against laughing, while others are more lenient. For example, the Royal Guard of the United Kingdom is known for its strict discipline and professionalism. Guards are expected to remain stoic and expressionless at all times, and any sign of laughter or amusement is considered to be a serious offense.

In contrast, the Royal Guard of Thailand is known for being more relaxed and easygoing. Guards are still expected to be respectful and attentive, but they are allowed to smile and laugh on occasion. However, even in these more lenient forces, there are limits to what is considered acceptable behavior. Guards who laugh excessively or inappropriately may still be subject to disciplinary action.

Ultimately, the decision of how to punish a royal guard who laughs while on duty is up to the guard force commander. The commander will consider the severity of the offense, the guard's past disciplinary record, and any mitigating circumstances.

In addition to the policies of the guard force, the consequences for laughing while on duty may also vary depending on the country in which the guard is serving. In some countries, laughing while on duty may be seen as a more serious offense than in others. For example, in countries where the monarchy is highly respected, laughing at a royal guard may be seen as a sign of disrespect for the royal family and the country as a whole.


The following are some frequently asked questions about what happens if a royal guard laughs while on duty:

Question 1: What is considered to be unprofessional conduct for a royal guard?
Answer: Unprofessional conduct for a royal guard includes laughing, talking excessively, chewing gum, eating, drinking, smoking, using a cell phone, or engaging in any other activity that could distract them from their duties or bring discredit to the royal family or the guard force.

Question 2: What are the consequences for a royal guard who laughs while on duty?
Answer: The consequences for a royal guard who laughs while on duty will vary depending on the policies of the guard force in question and the severity of the offense. Punishments may range from a verbal reprimand to a suspension or even dismissal.

Question 3: Are there any circumstances in which it is acceptable for a royal guard to laugh?
Answer: Yes, there are some circumstances in which it may be acceptable for a royal guard to laugh. For example, if a guard is off duty and is attending a social event, they may be able to laugh and socialize like anyone else. However, even in these situations, guards are expected to be mindful of their behavior and to avoid doing anything that could bring discredit to the royal family or the guard force.

Question 4: What is the difference between a reprimand, a suspension, and a dismissal?
Answer: A reprimand is a formal warning that is given to a guard who has violated a rule or policy. A suspension is a temporary removal from duty without pay. A dismissal is the most severe form of disciplinary action and results in the permanent termination of employment.

Question 5: Who decides whether or not to punish a royal guard for laughing while on duty?
Answer: The decision of whether or not to punish a royal guard for laughing while on duty is ultimately up to the guard force commander. The commander will consider the severity of the offense, the guard's past disciplinary record, and any mitigating circumstances.

Question 6: Are there any countries where laughing at a royal guard is considered to be a more serious offense than in others?
Answer: Yes, in some countries where the monarchy is highly respected, laughing at a royal guard may be seen as a sign of disrespect for the royal family and the country as a whole.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

We hope this FAQ has answered your questions about what happens if a royal guard laughs while on duty. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the guard force in question.


Here are a few tips to help you avoid laughing while on duty as a royal guard:

Tip 1: Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. This will help you to avoid situations that could make you laugh.

Tip 2: Focus on your breathing and maintain a relaxed posture. This will help you to stay calm and in control of your emotions.

Tip 3: Practice mindfulness and meditation. This can help you to train your mind to stay focused and present in the moment.

Tip 4: If you do start to laugh, try to cover your mouth with your hand or turn your head away. This will help to minimize the sound of your laughter and avoid drawing attention to yourself.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

Following these tips can help you to maintain a professional demeanor and avoid laughing while on duty as a royal guard.


Laughing while on duty is considered to be unprofessional conduct for a royal guard. The consequences for laughing while on duty will vary depending on the policies of the guard force in question and the severity of the offense. Punishments may range from a verbal reprimand to a suspension or even dismissal.

In order to avoid laughing while on duty, royal guards should be aware of their surroundings and the people around them, focus on their breathing and maintain a relaxed posture, practice mindfulness and meditation, and cover their mouths or turn their heads away if they do start to laugh.

By following these tips, royal guards can maintain a professional demeanor and avoid the consequences of laughing while on duty.

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