Where Is Her Coach Now?

Publish date: 2024-04-04

Angelique Cauchy rape case and testimony are going viral online. The horrific confession of former athlete Angelique Cauchy, who claimed that her coach had “raped her nearly 400 times”.

Because of her wildly popular case, which is still being heard in court, she is getting greater notoriety. Little is known about her because she likes to keep her life very private and out of the public eye.

Given what has transpired since she began her career, she may be dealing with serious trauma. She is a really talented tennis player, and we hope that soon she will be compensated for her pain. 

She is qualified to work with people who wish to improve their physical fitness and tennis skills in a club, league, federation, or organization because she is a physical education teacher, tennis coach, and physical trainer. 

Let’s get into the article to learn about Angelique Cauchy rape and testimony case.

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Angelique Cauchy Rape And Testimony

Angelique Cauchy rape case has been a topic of interest for people. 

Angélique Cauchy, who was sexually attacked by her coach at the Sarcelles club in Val-d’Oise when she was 12 years old, spoke to a commission of inquiry this past Tuesday, September 5. 

She previously admitted to having been “raped nearly 400 times by her tennis coach over two years” in May of last year, according to Franceinfo. 

As a result, Andrew Gueddes was found guilty in 2021 and sentenced to 18 years in jail for raping and sexually assaulting four young females between the ages of 12 and 17.

Angélique Cauchy chose to speak this week, on Tuesday, as part of a commission of investigation into “failures in the functioning within sports federations, the sports movement, and governance bodies of the world sporty” that was established in July. 

Angélique Cauchy also remembers that at the time, only one individual had chosen to speak with the club president, outlining unacceptable behavior toward young people, including physical and verbal aggression. 

The latter, however, dismissed the warning out of hand by emphasizing the fact that the coach was “bringing back titles” to the team.

He had already sexually assaulted her before she was thirteen. She frequently considered ending her life. 

She mentioned that she still thanks herself for having chosen life every day when she woke up to the 12-year-old girl she once was. 

She nearly died when she was twelve years old, but it is because of her that she is still alive today, she admits in front of the committee of inquiry.

Where Is Her Coach Andrew Gueddes Now?

On January 13, 2021, the Yvelines Assize Court sentenced Andrew Geddes, a former tennis instructor, to 18 years in jail following an appeal for the rape of numerous of his former students who were all juveniles at the time of the crimes. 

After a second trial that featured harsh witness testimony, Mr. Geddes—who had received the same punishment in the first trial—was found guilty of raping and sexually assaulting four teenage females between the ages of 12 and 17 in the early 2000s and between 2009 and 2014.

Mr. Geddes, who is now 53, was a coach at the relevant time at the Sarcelles club and afterward the Levallois Sporting Club (LSC). When she first encountered him in 1999, he was 12 years old. 

She claims that the former coach sexually attacked and raped her until she was 14 years old, abusing her over 400 times in total.

When Mr. Geddes, who was regarded as charismatic but was quite strict with his students, trained three further victims, ages 15 to 17, the same pattern was repeated. 

One after another, the victims spoke of a “Control process” in which he isolated them from their loved ones and coerced them into sexual encounters with him in his car, the club’s restrooms, or when interning in La Baule.

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